This episode features a discussion with Jennifer Lucy Cook, T.J. Pieffer, and Shelby Solla about their new musical Salem.
Outlandish conspiracy theories; misinformation spreading like wildfire; and an infamously controversial trial in the early 90’s. Yep, this is 17th century New England.
SALEM is a dark musical comedy that follows two Puritan teenagers, Abby and Betty, as they plant accusations of witchcraft in an attempt to con their way out of the oppressive theocratic swamp town of Salem, Massachusetts. After pushing the limits of townie gossip, they find themselves centered in a web of witchy conspiracies more intricate than they ever could’ve imagined.
With pamphleteers presented as 1690’s cable news anchors, deliciously danceable pop musical numbers, and an apparition of the Devil forged from the imagination of a teenaged girl, this is not your high school English teacher’s take on "The Crucible.”
This episode features the song ‘Cursed’, performed by Jennifer Lucy Cook and Kay Sebal.
Connect with Jennifer Lucy Cook:
Instagram: @jenlucycook
Connect with T.J. Pieffer:
Instagram: @tjpieffer
Connect with Shelby Solla:
Instagram: @shelbysolla
Connect with Salem:
Instagram: @salemthemusical
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- Teresa’s personal instagram: @terijoyeaux