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58 "Defending The Little Mermaid"

PRESENTING BROADWAY BREAKDOWN'S FIRST RADIO PLAY: An excerpt from Matt's series "YOURS, TRULY," specifically the scene in the season finale defending THE LITTLE MERMAID. This episode is brought to you by the "iTunes review challenge" Matt and guest Melanie Brook set for listeners in episode 56... Read More

18 mins


PRESENTING BROADWAY BREAKDOWN'S FIRST RADIO PLAY: An excerpt from Matt's series "YOURS, TRULY," specifically the scene in the season finale defending THE LITTLE MERMAID. This episode is brought to you by the "iTunes review challenge" Matt and guest Melanie Brook set for listeners in episode 56. Enjoy! And if you don't, at least it's short! CAST: Matt Koplik (Calvin), Nick Giedris (Narrator), Cassie Levine (Sophie), Nick Prior (Brent), Kate Forristall (Audrey), Tyler Milliron (Sean), Ali Gordon (Callie Mason), Jordan Puryear (Dee), Amanda Hawkins (Kelly), Sofia Christensen (Ann), and Josh Daniel (Neil). Music provided by Tri-Tachyon ("Little Lily Swing" and "Energy Fix")

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