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83 "THE WILD PARTY Wars: Part 1 (w/ Adam Elsberry)"

"To quote Uma Thurman on SMASH, 'I'm here to Dig Deep." IT'S A FIRST!!! Broadway Breakdown is doing a Two-Parter Episode!! Matt invites his good Judy Adam Elsberry to figure out once and for all the question that has haunted Broadway chat rooms and frat boy keg parties for years: "Which is the better WILD PARTY?" And the answer is too complicated for just ONE episode!.. Read More

1 h 24 mins


"To quote Uma Thurman on SMASH, 'I'm here to Dig Deep." IT'S A FIRST!!! Broadway Breakdown is doing a Two-Parter Episode!! Matt invites his good Judy Adam Elsberry to figure out once and for all the question that has haunted Broadway chat rooms and frat boy keg parties for years: "Which is the better WILD PARTY?" And the answer is too complicated for just ONE episode! SO WE SPLIT IT INTO TWO!. Part 1 dives into the history of the two musicals and runs through how each version adapts the infamous 1920's poem for the stage. Part 2 compares and contrasts the two and DECISIVELY determines which is the better one. WHAT A PARTY! WHILE YOU LISTEN: Go to https://www.artsactionfund.org/ActionCenter and learn how you can help save the Arts!! More than ever, the world needs art and we want to make sure it comes back. Find out how you can donate, support or fight for the Arts!!

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