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DOUBT w/ Ali Gordon

"I will DO what needs to be DONE!" Do you have doubts? Do you have parables? Do you have DOUBT: A PARABLE?! 'Cause Godmother of the Pod Ali Gordon is back to discuss all things nuns, priests, Catholic school and having no real life experience with any of it... Read More

2 h 4 mins


"I will DO what needs to be DONE!"

Do you have doubts? Do you have parables? Do you have DOUBT: A PARABLE?! 'Cause Godmother of the Pod Ali Gordon is back to discuss all things nuns, priests, Catholic school and having no real life experience with any of it. Matt and Ali also discuss failing in acting class, the importance of casting weirdos in your plays, and why mothers tend to be right. Cut your fingernails, kids, it's DOUBT!

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