WILL BURTON IS BACK!! Friend of the pod and all around winner, Will Burton, has returned to nerd-out with us about HELLO, DOLLY! That's Hello Comma Dolly Exclamation Point. DON'T YOU FORGET IT. In case you're wondering, HELLO, DOLLY! is a musical about a woman and her favorite restaurant. In college, Will had to write a 40 page paper on HELLO, DOLLY! (that's musical theater college for ya) and he appeared as Ambrose in the recent revival with DAME Bette Midler. Will has been in three different professional productions of HELLO, DOLLY! so we thought it only right to have him back as the resident expert. We celebrate the magnificent Jerry Herman this week, the composer of HELLO, DOLLY!, LA CAGE AUX FOLLES, MAME, among others, who we lost in December of 2019 at the age of 88. Our favs this week include It Only Takes a Moment, Before The Parade Passes By, and Gavin Creel's "OUT THERE... there's a world outside of Yonkers." After this week we know for sure... if we have to dig ditches for the rest of my life, we will be a ditch diggers who once had a wonderful day. COME ON BARNABY WE'RE GOING TO NEW YORK!!
WILL BURTON IS BACK!! Friend of the pod and all around winner, Will Burton, has returned to nerd-out with us about HELLO, DOLLY! That's Hello Comma Dolly Exclamation Point. DON'T YOU FORGET IT. In case you're wondering, HELLO, DOLLY!.. Read More
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