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Archibald Motley

1978. Harlem Renaissance, 1920s; Années folles, Jazz Age Paris, 1920s; Chicago Black Renaissance, 1930s & 1940s; Archibald floats between time and space, past and present. Archibald Motley was a bold and highly original modernist and one of the great visual chroniclers of twentieth-century American life... Read More

35 mins


1978. Harlem Renaissance, 1920s; Années folles, Jazz Age Paris, 1920s; Chicago Black Renaissance, 1930s & 1940s; Archibald floats between time and space, past and present.

Archibald Motley was a bold and highly original modernist and one of the great visual chroniclers of twentieth-century American life. He first came to prominence in the 1920s during the early days of the Harlem Renaissance.

Written by Marcus Scott

Performed by Reynaldo Piniella

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