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#36 - Haven Burton, Special Needs, Special Mamas Part 4

Haven Burton joins us again to share her experience as a mother of special needs children, particularly what it has been like during quarantine. We discuss the specific struggles of remote learning and tele therapy, what’s it’s like to be not only a teacher, but a physical, occupational, speech and social skills therapist... Read More

55 mins



Haven Burton joins us again to share her experience as a mother of special needs children, particularly what it has been like during quarantine. We discuss the specific struggles of remote learning and tele therapy, what’s it’s like to be not only a teacher, but a physical, occupational, speech and social skills therapist. The good news is, despite the trials of this time, our children are growing and thriving. Through it all, we are learning more about our special kids and even more about ourselves.

Find more info about the podcast via BroadwayPodcastNetwork.com/mamas.

Produced by Dori Berinstein and Alan Seales.

Edited by Derek Gunther.

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