The iconic musical comedy trio, Lewberger comes to Take A Bow following a sold out run of their original Off-Broadway production Lewberger & The Wizard of Friendship. The show will continue to live on as friends such as Wayne Brady, Alex Brightman, and more join in the fun for their cast album which drops June 23rd. The first single from the album, “It’s a Stupid Idea (to Put on a Broadway Show)” is now available on all digital platforms.
The band is the made up of Alex Lewis, "Try Guys" Keith Habersberger, and Emmy Award Winning songwriter, Hughie Stone Fish. The trio has been gracing theatre tik tok with their original content with our favorite Broadway stars, performed on America's Got Talent, and tour across the nation to sold out houses.
Curtain up, Lewberger
Connect with Lewberger on Instagram: @lewberger
Connect with Lewberger on Instagram: @lewbergermusic
Connect with Take A Bow on social: @takeabowpodcast
Connect with host, Eli Tokash on social: @tokash_eli