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Acting Beats

Acting Beats. Air Date: October 20, 2022. Many actors like to use beats in their work. Beats are the mini pauses, breaths, or silent holds which are used for a variety of reasons. Even directors like the use of the beat when working with actors to draw attention to any given moment... Read More

17 mins


Acting Beats

Air Date: October 20, 2022

Many actors like to use beats in their work. Beats are the mini pauses, breaths, or silent holds which are used for a variety of reasons. Even directors like the use of the beat when working with actors to draw attention to any given moment. There are, however, issues surrounding the beat that can negatively influence the actors’ choices. Today, we’ll look at beats…not the vegetable but the healthy acting tool actors like to consume…see what I did just there? This is another episode of Casting Actors Cast to devour! OK, I’ll stop now!

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