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Becoming an Actor in NYC

Becoming an actor in NYC. Air Date: February 15, 2024. Becoming an actor in New York City involves a combination of education, training, networking, and perseverance. Of course, there is risk involved. Anything worth doing has risks... Read More

22 mins
Feb 15


Becoming an actor in NYC

Air Date: February 15, 2024

Becoming an actor in New York City involves a combination of education, training, networking, and perseverance. Of course, there is risk involved. Anything worth doing has risks. You can, however, increase your chances for success if you approach your planning in a straightforward way. I will assume you have a place to live, some form of income and some acting training. Having these in place, we can now address the next phase of your New York adventure. Here are steps you can take to pursue an acting career in NYC:

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