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What Does Having Potential Mean?

Air Date: September 22, 2022. Have you ever heard someone say, “they have potential”? I remember a particular teacher say that to me in high school. At first, I was thrilled that I had something to aspire to... Read More

18 mins


Air Date: September 22, 2022

Have you ever heard someone say, “they have potential”? I remember a particular teacher say
that to me in high school. At first, I was thrilled that I had something to aspire to. Then, the
more I though about it, I realized that it was, in fact, an expression of disappointment from that
teacher. I was not measuring up. That word, “potential” is at once a statement of possibilities
and failure. Actors find it hard to understand the concept. It is a matter of knowing what you
are capable of and then judging if you have demonstrated those capabilities. Do you have
acting potential? Let’s get into it. On this episode of Casting Actors Cast!

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