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Put a Pin in It SLASH 54 Below (feat. Tyson Armstrong & Dylan Bustamante)

You know how they say “third time’s a charm?” Well they do and they’re right ‘cuz today we have a double whammy for you. First up – the creator of BroadwayPins.com – Australia’s very own Tyson Armstrong!.. Read More

1 h 21 mins


You know how they say “third time’s a charm?” Well they do and they’re right ‘cuz today we have a double whammy for you. First up – the creator of BroadwayPins.com – Australia’s very own Tyson Armstrong! And then coming to you straight from Jennifer Ashley Tepper’s office at Feinstein’s/54 Below – Dylan Bustamante! We learn that Steven hates Grindr and tap dancing, and that Tyson’s dream role is to play Effie or someone who is immobile. Steven & Dana get hot and bothered talking about the Pantone Color Chart and Hello Dolly, respectively. Did you know koalas have chlamydia? Follow them online at: @tysonarmstrong @bustamoveamante @BroadwayPins @StageDoorPod

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