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#34 - Tonya Pinkins, Living in Power

Tony Award Winner, Tonya Pinkins joins us to share her profound wisdom gleaned from being a single mother of four, a pioneer in the world of labor and delivery in New York City, and a voice for the underrepresented... Read More

46 mins



Tony Award Winner, Tonya Pinkins joins us to share her profound wisdom gleaned from being a single mother of four, a pioneer in the world of labor and delivery in New York City, and a voice for the underrepresented. By always making her children a priority, she has never wavered in her quest for getting what she, a mother, deserves in our industry. Join us, as we learn from the powerhouse that is Ms. Pinkins, just what it means to live in your power while pursuing your passions.

Find more info about the podcast via BroadwayPodcastNetwork.com/mamas.

Produced by Dori Berinstein and Alan Seales.

Edited by Derek Gunther.

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