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Jack Viertel and the Secret Life of the American Musical

Jack Viertel has the kind of knowledge I wish I had about Broadway history, having studied the various journeys of great shows for his book The Secret Life of the American Musical, but he’s also worked with playwrights like August Wilson and Tony Kushner... Read More

41 mins



Jack Viertel has the kind of knowledge I wish I had about Broadway history, having studied the various journeys of great shows for his book The Secret Life of the American Musical, but he’s also worked with playwrights like August Wilson and Tony Kushner. He’s even conceived the long running Smokey Joe's Café and the critically acclaimed After Midnight and served as dramaturg as well for Hairspray and Dear Evan Hansen. And through his many colleagues over the years he’s learned the fine art of collaboration.

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Why I’ll Never Make It is an award-winning, Top Theater Podcast with actor and singer Patrick Oliver Jones and is a production of WINMI Media. Background music is by John Bartmann and Blue Dot Sessions is used under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

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