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Strike Back!

How to get back to work after the strike. STRIKE BACK! Air Date: February 22, 2024. So, every task we take on has its own set of challenges. We know this. Everything worth doing contains the “what if’s”. “What if It doesn’t happen?.. Read More

16 mins
Feb 22


How to get back to work after the strike


Air Date: February 22, 2024

So, every task we take on has its own set of challenges. We know this. Everything worth doing contains the “what if’s”. “What if It doesn’t happen? (the role you’ve auditioned for)”, “What if I can’t find the time? (start auditions again)”, What if it doesn’t work out? (finding a new agent)”. It is built into the actor’s DNA to “what if” just about every career issue. It can really affect us, for better or worse. Right now, we are paralyzed with what to do now that the SAG-AFTRA strike is over. It prevents us from even thinking about the “what ifs”. Well, to that I can only say, “Lets Strike back!” Let’s find ways to keep ourselves ready so when external opportunities present themselves (and they will) we will be ready. Here are some steps to re-kindle our acting goals.

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