A hilarious and heartwarming musical that follows six quirky middle-schoolers competing for the top prize in a high-stakes spelling competition. Each contestant brings their unique personality, insecurities, and dreams to the stage, making for a chaotic yet charming glimpse into adolescent life. As they spell increasingly challenging words, the young spellers confront personal dilemmas and form unexpected friendships, all under the watchful eyes of three equally eccentric adult hosts.
A hilarious and heartwarming musical that follows six quirky middle-schoolers competing for the top prize in a high-stakes spelling competition. Each contestant brings their unique personality, insecurities, and dreams to the stage, making for a chaotic yet charming glimpse into adolescent life.
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Cast & Creatives
Jesse Tyler Ferguson
Leaf Coneybear
Celia Keenan Bolger
Olive Ostrovsky
Deborah S Craig
Logainne Schwartzandgrubenierre
Derrick Baskin
Mitch Mahoney
Jose Llana
Chip Tolentino
Lisa Howard
Rona Lisa Peretti
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