Divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived.
From Tudor Queens to Pop Icons, the SIX wives of Henry VIII take the microphone to remix five hundred years of historical heartbreak into a Euphoric Celebration of 21st century girl power! This new original musical is the global sensation that everyone is losing their head over!
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Cast & Creatives
Adrianna Hicks
Catherine of Aragon (OBC)
Andrea Macasaet
Anne Boleyn (OBC)
Abby Mueller
Jane Seymour (OBC)
Brittney Mack
Anna of Cleves (OBC)
Samantha Pauly
Katherine Howard (OBC)
Anna Uzele
Catherine Parr (OBC)
Courtney Mack
Zoe Jensen
Katherine Howard
Khaila Wilcoxon
Catherine of Aragon
Kelsie Watts
Jane Seymour
Kala Gare
Anne Boleyn (Austrailan Tour)
Chloé Zuel
Catherine of Aragon (Australian Tour)
Courtney Monsma
Katherine Howard (Austrailian Tour)
Jasmine Forsberg
Jane Seymour (Replacement)
Joy Woods
Catherine Parr (Replacement)
Vidya Makan
Catherine Parr (Austrailian Tour)
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